efs class

Sunday 13 March 2016

Personal Reflection

I have learned from last class about email protocols. It is very useful and effective to me because now I know about bcc, blind copies,2 step verification, footer and how to make privacy or security account.

In Addition, Academic study and new technology method must use social media to communicate with lectures and collages. email can be sent anyone but it is needed to be sent carefully with appropriate form of address e.g.Mr.,Ms. and should be confidential. The way we can make confidential is we will not send bulk or group email without blind copies.

Finally, Academic study these protocols and processes have significant importance due to students will need to submit their homework in formal way.

Karuna Parajuli                                                                                                13/3/16

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Turning Point of Nelson Mandela

-when his father died,he was groomed for becoming chief on his locla tribe.
-he became invovled in political.and along with his good friend and comrade Oliver Tambo was expelled from Fort Hare for organising a student strike.
-mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.
-in there was In the late 50s (56 รข€’61) there was an extremely lengthy Treason Trial in which Mandela and several others were charged with treason.

-Conducting their own defence they eventually proved to be victorious. 
-Mandela noted in his autobiography the judiciary were one of the least repressive parts of the South -African State a and in theory sought to follow the rule of law.
-However in 1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate. 
His advocacy of reconciliation led to international acclaim and importantly the trust of the White African population.
Time Line of Fred Hollows
1929-bron in new zealand.
1960-got job in australia.
1970-helped launch national programe to attack eye disease i aboriginal australia.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Time Line of  Gladys Elphick

1904-born at Wright court,Adelaide of Australia.
1922-married with Methodist Forms Walter standford Hughes at the Point Pearce Church.
1937-husband died
1940-she married again with Fredick Joseph Elphick at St,Ignatius,Catholic Church.
1960-Elphick worked to raise the status of Indigenous people in the community of the council of Aboriginal women of South Australia.
1966-She was member of South Australian Aboriginal Affairs Board.
1977-Elphick was founder of the Aboriginal Medical Services.
1984-she was named of South Australian Aboriginal of the year.
1988-she died at Dark Park ,Adeliade of Australia

Time Line of Nelson Mandela

1918- Mandela was born in Qunu,near Umtata of South Africa.
1944- Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League.
1952-Mandela opened the first Black low firm in South Africa.
1952-Mandela was instrumental in pushing the ANC to direct action such as Defiance Campaign and later acts of Sabotage.
1962- Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in Robben Island Prison.
1990-Mandela released that negotiations wear painful and diffucult to led.
1993- Mandela was awarde the Nobel Peace Prize-Gointly with F.W De Klerk.
1999-Mandela was no longer from president post.
2013-Mandela died at the age of 95 after suffering from a prolonged respiratory infection .

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Benefits keeping social mix


  • A report clams,economy of sydney  could fall due to sell 293 social housing units in city.
  • government decided to sell the terraces lont time ago with funds to invested in outer suburbs.
  • yesterday released by federal labor,economics prepared for outgoing in city to claims tranferring social housing in middle suburbs.
  • this year,government announced to sell 293 terraces ehich has reaped millions of dollars from sale.
  • Anthony Albanese said about the report to clear economic benefits for maintain good social m ix in inner city.
  • there is a clear economic case for sell social housing in city,when the cost of upkeep for housing NSW might be affected.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

hi everyone,
                    I am karuna student of  Granville TAFE.I am doing english course in this tafe for academic purpose for univercity.